
 0) install a Webserver (e.g Apache) and perl5 

1) Choose the Backend. available now are:

-> PageArchive.pm uses normal Files, no Backup -> PageArchiveCVS.pm like PageArchive, but does keep Backup-copies via CVS. Can use a CVWiki-repository.

-> PageArchiveRCS.pm like CVS, but uses RCS.

2) create directory for the Wiki-data, (rw www-data) (e.g /usr/local/wiki/GNUWiki)

3) if you want to use CVS: setup a CVS-repository:

-> create directory for cvs-data, (rw www-data) (e.g /usr/local/cvsroot)

Initialize: (as user www-data) -> cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot init

-> cd /usr/local/wiki/GNUWiki : cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot import GNUWiki tt start

-> cd .. cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot checkout GNUWiki

->edit PageArchiveCVS.pm set CVSROOT (in sub "_initialize") $ENV{CVSROOT} = "/usr/local/cvsroot";

4) copy wiki to /usr/lib/cgi-bin. Then you need to edit this file for your installation: e.g: -> change path to PageArchive.pm / Wiki.pm: use lib '/home/marcus'; -> choose Backend: e.g. use PageArchiveRCS; -> change path to the Wiki-files/choose Backend: $pa = new PageArchive("/usr/local/wiki/myWiki"); or: ... PageArchiveRCS(....). -> change the title of the Mainpage: $MainPage = "FontPage";

5) Choose a Look:

Normal: LookAndFeel.pm "JoyFull": LookAndFeelJoyfull.pm Read-Only: LookAndFeelRO.pm

copy the choosen LookAndFell to "LookAndFeel.pm"

6) http://localhost/cgi-bin/GNUWiki

Page last edited February 17, 2003
This is the archived old version of my website. The new website can be found here